Makcik Chicken: The legendary chicken rice

Makcik Chicken: the chicken rice that almost every food blogger and foodie in Singapore has been raving about the past two months or so.

At first it was available for order in limited quantities everyday, and then as it's popularity grew, it became available via Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Honestbee food. And now it is also available for order if the above delivery partners do not deliver to where you live / work.

And that's how I managed to order Makcik Chicken to my home!! I really wanted to try it after reading all these rave reviews and the craze about $9.50 chicken rice. If it wasn't half good, people wouldn't pay so much money to eat chicken rice.

It was also my first time ordering via Oddle. So will also give my two-pence about this experience! First, being the ever kiasu Singaporean (Ok lah, I'm not that Kiasu, if I am I would have eaten this like 2 months ago already right? I just don't want to try to order then sold out), I placed my order the night before and chose the delivery time to be 5.30-6pm. The website has half-hourly timeslots starting from 12noon to 8.30pm. From what I see so far, it's available to order daily. There is a minimum order amount of $20 and a delivery charge of $5 for orders below $40.

There is a combo set for single pax which consists of 1 set of chicken rice plus a drink. There are also combo sets for 4 or 8 pax. Also choices available for extra rice, extra egg, extra chicken etc.

Anyway come delivery day, I did expect a bit of delay, considering that 5.30-6pm is evening peak traffic hour. I was pleasantly surprised, the delivery was on time, almost at 6pm sharp. So here's how the food looked when it arrived, just like how it looks it all the pictures everywhere! The only qualm was perhaps the food wasn't very warm when it arrived. But considering the distance between my place (Northeastern Singapore) and Aliwal Street and the traffic conditions, it's acceptable for me.

Ok, then, time to tuck in!!

I liked the brown paper box packaging of the Makcik Chicken rice. It's not flimsy and it has an 'oiled / waterproof' inner surface not unlike our dabao packet paper that prevents the moisture / oil from the food from seeping out. So don't have to worry about oily hands from holding the box while eating. 

The star is the chicken. It's boneless with a thin layer of skin on top and the amount is generous. It's really like a steamed chicken (confirm steeem chicken). It's flavourful without being too dry or plain. For those who do not like the 'fatty' taste of chicken skin, fret not. The chicken skin tastes nothing like that. It is quite bouncy and a bit jelly-like. Mmmm....

Also, the rice comes with generous servings of 3 types of sauce. One is a sticky sweet sauce, a spicy red chilli sauce and a green chilli sauce. The sticky sweet sauce reminds me of Kicap Manis, but not as cloyingly sweet. It goes well with the rice. The spicy red chilli sauce is spicy, but not too over. It's good if you like a bit of 'kick'. My personal fave is the green chilli sauce. It reminds me of Thai green chilli sauce made with coriander, garlic, chilli and fish sauce, but without the fish sauce. Some people also recommend to mix all the 3 sauces with the rice and chicken and eat it that way. I prefer to dab a bit of the green sauce on the chicken and eat it with the coriander. The coriander adds a light refreshing touch to the chicken. That's how people can finish the entire box of chicken rice, I think.

Let's not forget the Hanjuku egg. It is quite light in taste, unlike the actual Hanjuku egg which tends to be on the saltier side. I quite like it, as it lets the original taste of the egg shine through. If you are a half-boiled egg lover, you will love the yolk-y taste. 

The thinly shredded cucumber strips and cherry tomatoes were refreshing and complimented the chicken and rice well.

Other than the chicken rice, which is a must-order, Makcik Chicken also offers drinks / concoctions such as Bandung Baik Gila (rose syrup with milk), Calamansi Fantasi (lime / calamansi juice), Cik Rose Syrup Limau (lime juice with rose syrup and pomegranate) and the legendary Makcik Magic. Other than the Makcik Magic, I also ordered the Cik Rose Syrup Limau as it sounds more interesting.

About Makcik Magic, I still don't know what it is after I drank it. It's fizzy, but not as crazy fizzy as the typical soft drink. It's like a soft fizz (what am I talking?) with a sweet taste that sort of reminds me of Kickapoo Joy Juice. Maybe this is what the BFG's Frobscottle tastes like? It's green and the fizz shimmers a bit when you shake the bottle. It's like magic.

Cik Rose Syrup Limau... mmm this is a refreshing drink, really goes well with the chicken rice. It's lime juice with sweet rose syrup and rose petals and pomegranate seeds and half a lime (duh! but at least the lime is there to show it's legit). It's fruity, refreshing, flowery... I would drink it again. Be sure to stir the drink thoroughly, as most of the syrup is at the bottom of the cup. Also, it's not overly sweet or sour, just right!

To be honest, it's quite a big portion for me since I'm a small eater. So I hope that there could be an option for "less rice" in future! But anyway I think most people claim that they are able to finish the whole big packet, so ok.

If you haven't tried it, please do. :)

P.S. Oh yeah if you do order through their website, their emails are so cute lah!

Makcik Chicken
77 Aliwal Street


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